Trusted Professionals

Streamline your recovery with our recovery management solutions

With a comprehensive team of professionals and decades of experience – our team will work tirelessly to ensure you are able to focus on personal recovery while we manage your property recovery.

Managed Recovery stems from the principals of program management, often deployed by large industry as a tool to ensure the management and execution of complex projects and situations. We are bringing all of the benefits of program management to residential homeowners in the wake of natural disasters, spearheaded by a team of executives experienced in managing complex situations, projects, and disasters for critical infrastructure. What large corporations rely on in times of need, is now available to homeowners and small businesses through Cuest’s Managed Recovery program.

Efficiency Redefined

Efficiency based on experience and expertise. From complex projects in foreign countries, to natural disasters within the United States, to projects ensuring the resiliency of critical infrastructure – our team has safely, and efficiently managed over $1B of projects. Leveraging our experience and lessons learned from large scale projects, we are uniquely positioned to manage your business or your families response to natural disasters. Utilizing our recovery management services allows your household to focus on personal recovery, while we take care of your property recovery.

Recovery, Managed.

With Cuest Corp, your recovery is managed utilizing the tools and processes our team has used to solve complex problems on hundreds of large scale projects. Our team will break your recovery process into three phases – and aid you throughout the process, ensuring your time and money is leveraged in the most efficient way possible.

  1. Response: The first phase of your recovery. We will develop a plan and communicate exception for the entire recovery process. With a solid foundation – we will work tirelessly to ensure that there are as few surprises as possible for your household as we work towards getting you back home.
  2. Recovery: The second, and possibly one of the most important phases of your recovery. Here we will work with you, or your third party consultants to ensure that you understand all of the options available to you.
  3. Rebuild: The final phase of your recovery journey. Our team will ensure that all roadblocks have been managed, and will ensure that all of the pricing you receive is fair, accurate, and all encompassing. Additionally we can leverage our national footprint to ensure material pricing and availability does not negatively impact your rebuild.

Recovery Begins

We will work with you to create a personalized plan for recovery including a timeline, budget, and identifying road blocks that we will manage for you.

What are your options?

There are multiple avenues towards recovery. Our team will support you and work on behalf of you to execute the custom recovery plan that was developed.

Returning Home

Our team will ensure that your rebuilding process is completed safely, efficiently, and without unnecessary additional costs or schedule delays.


Your custom recovery plan will be developed, baseline costs and schedule will be determined, and your recovery team will be established.


Cuest will execute your recovery plan on your behalf. Identifying your options for cleanup, recovering assets, and establishing site security.


You will have access to your recovery progress tracker, and Cuest will help you manage your new day to day while we coordinate with any vendors.


If you decide that working with an adjuster is your best option, we can connect you with vetted adjuster that will work on your behalf. If you already have one, we can work with them to help streamline the process.


Cuest can work with you to develop a forensic content inventory if you do not already have one. Additionally – we will develop a new digital inventory for all replaced items so that you are prepared for future events.


As experts in building in the Los Angeles market, we will help develop your rebuilding estimate, work with professionals on any new designs that are required, and provide you with value engineered options for your rebuid.


As the rebuilding phase begins, Cuest will monitor the clean up progress in your area, coordinate private cleanup, or provide an onsite representative to supervise public cleanup crews to ensure the work is correctly performed.


Ensure all prior plans and permits have been identified and properly submitted. Re-developing plans if they cannot be accounted for. Providing you with options on design that may help prevent future similar losses.


Vet all contractors for Safety, Insurance, and State/Local Compliance. Analyze pricing to ensure it is accurate and fair. Sourcing materials from our nationwide logistics hubs to overcome any local pricing increases.